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609 lines
; Installer Script for MCF4AmIRC Version 4.13
; $VER: Install_MCF V_4.13 (26.12.96)
(set @def-dest1 "Rexx:")
(set @def-dest2 "AmiTCP:help")
(set @def-dest3 "ENVARC:")
(set @def-dest4 "AmiTCP:Doc")
(set #Hello
(cat "\nWelcome to the Installer Proceedure for MCF for AmIRC"
" Before using this Installer, you should really read the"
" documentation first so that you have a better understanding"
" of what MCF is and how it actually works. It will also"
" make the installation process easier to understand."
(set #config-player1
(cat "\nSelect the program that you wish to use to play sounds.\n"
(set #config-player2
(cat "\nSelect the program that you wish to us for Speech.\n"
(set #config-sounds
(cat "\nSelect the directory which contains your sound files.\n"
(set #config-dccdir
(cat "\nSelect the directory for Auto-Download of Auto-Rerquested sound files.\n"
(set #config-o-ajoin
(cat "\nDo you wish to Automacially join a channel when you receive"
" an Invite to it?\n(default 'Y')\n"
(set #config-o-asend
(cat "\nDo you wish to Auto-Send sound files requested by others?\n(default 'Y')\n"
(set #config-o-dccget
(cat "\nDo you wish to Auto-Get sound files Auto-Requested by you?\n(default 'N')\n"
(set #config-o-fserv
(cat "\nDo you wish to turn the File Server feature ON?\n(default 'N')\n"
(set #config-o-ops
(cat "\nDo you wish to turn Auto OPs ON?\n (default 'Y')\n"
(set #config-o-greets
(cat "\nDo you wish to turn Auto Greets ON?\n (default 'N')\n"
(set #config-o-rcmds
(cat "\nDo you wish to turn Remote Commands ON?\n(default 'Y')\n"
(set #config-o-sounds
(cat "\nDo you wish to turn the Sounds feature ON?\n(default 'Y')\n"
(set #config-o-psound
(cat "\nDo you wish to Play Sounds you send to other users?\n(default 'N')\n"
(set #config-o-speech
(cat "\nDo you wish to turn the Speech feature ON?\n(default 'N')\n"
(set #config-o-nosounds
(cat "\nWhich response to 'Soundfile Not Found' condition do you want? (0-9)\n(default '2')\n"
(set #player-help1
(cat "\nThis is the program that will play your sounds."
" The current default is 'C:Play16' since this works fine"
" when you are connected to the net. The directory path"
" of your sound play cannot have any spaces in it's name.\n"
(set #player-help2
(cat "\nThis is the program that will provide Speech for MCF."
" The current default is 'SYS:Utilities/Say'. The directory"
" path of your Speech program cannot have any spaces in it's name.\n"
(set #sounds-help
(cat "\nThis is the directory which contains your sound files"
" that you want to be available for playing thru MCF. This"
" directory name cannot have any spaces in it's name.\n\n"
(set #opts-help
(cat "\nThese are AUTO options that are alterable by using %AUTO.\n\n"
"AJOIN = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Join on an INVITE.\n"
"ASEND = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Sending of requested Sounds.\n"
"DCCGET = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Get function.\n"
"FSERV = N or Y. Turns off/on your FileServer functions.\n"
"GREETS = C,N,P or Y. Sets your Auto-Greets response.\n"
" C = Channel Specific Auto-Greets."
" N = Turns off Auto-Greets."
" P = Send Auto-Greets as PRIVMSG to User."
" Y = Global Auto-Greets. (NOT Recommended!)"
"OPS = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Ops and %OP functions.\n"
"RCMDS = N or Y. Turns off/on your Remote Commands.\n"
"SPEAK = N or Y. Turns off/on your Speech function.\n"
"SOUNDS = N or Y. Turns off/on your Sound Playing function.\n"
"PSOUND = N or Y. Turns off/on Playing of sent sounds.\n"
"NOSOUNDS = 0 to 9. Sets your response to 'Soundfile Not Found'."
" 0 = Do nothing. 1 = Notify Requestor. 2 = Notify You."
" 3 = Issue CTCP GETSOUND to Requestor."
" 4 = Issue !Nick Soundfile.wav to Requestor.\n"
" 5 thru 9 are the same as 0 thru 4 except that they instruct"
" MCF_Sound.AMIRX to NOT play the sound, AmIRC BETA 1.4+ will.\n"
(set #path-text-help
(cat "\nSelect directory to install MCF OPs and help files to"
(set #path-text-rexx
(cat "\nSelect directory to install MCF Rexx Scripts to"
(set #path-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose where to install MCF Ops and"
" help files on your hard disk. If you already have installed"
" a previous version or have already configured your MCF.Ops"
" and MCF.Fserv files, De-Select them before copying.\n\n"
(set #copy-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose where to install MCF Ops and"
" help files on your hard disk. If you already have installed"
" a previous version or have already configured your MCF.Greets,"
" MCF.GNicks, MCF.Ops, and MCF.Fserv files, De-Select them before copying.\n\n"
(set #path-rexx
(cat "\nThis section installs the MCF Script files on your hard disk.\n"
"I've found less problems if only 1 directory is assigned to Rexx:.\n\n"
(set #rexx-copy-text
(cat "Installing MCF Scripts"
(set #help-copy-text
(cat "Installing MCF Ops and Help files. De-Select MCF.Ops and"
" MCF.Fserv if you have already configured these files"
(set #env-copy-text
(cat "Installing MCF ENV: to ENVARC: This step is not necessary"
" if ENV: and ENVARC: are on your Hard-drive to save Ram:"
(set #env-copy-dal
(cat "Configuration of DalHelper is only necessary if you use ChanServ"
" and/or NickServ on DalNet and have not already cofigured it"
" during a previous install."
(set #doc-dir-choose
(cat "\nWhich parts of documentation do you wish to install?"
(set #doc-dir-choose-help
(cat "\nSelect which of the following files are to be installed:\n"
" MCF4AmIRC.guide - documentation\n"
" MCF4AmIRC.readme - ReadMe file. Latest update info\n"
(set #install-docs
(cat " Install documentation?\n"
"This consists of the following files:\n"
"AmigaGuide documentation\n"
"ReadMe file. Latest update info\n"
(set #goodbye
(cat "\nInstallation of MCF is Complete. Please remember that MCF4AmIRC is not"
" perfect, nor even anywhere near complete in it's Flood Protection. Any"
" info on how to handle Floods not included in MCF would be appreciated\n\n"
(set #my-address
(cat "Donald T Becker\n"
"335 S Chestnut St\n"
"Mt Carmel Pa 17851-2219\n\n"
"email: dtbecker@prolog.net\n"
"IRC: StarDustr!StarDustr@*.ptd.net\n"
(complete 7) (message #Hello)
(set target2
(askdir (prompt #path-text-help)
(help #path-help)
(default @def-dest2)
; (newpath)
(makeassign "MCF" target2)
(set @def-dest2 target2)
(complete 13) (message "About to move configuration files\nand delete obsolete files.")
(if (Exists "env:mcf.dal")
(run "copy <>nil: env:mcf.dal MCF:")
(run "delete <>nil: env:mcf.dal")
(if (Exists "env:mcf.startup")
(run "copy <>nil: env:mcf.startup MCF:")
(run "delete <>nil: env:mcf.startup")
(if (Exists "env:mcf.protect")
(run "copy <>nil: env:mcf.protect MCF:")
(run "delete <>nil: env:mcf.protect")
(if (Exists "envarc:mcf.dal")
(run "delete <>nil: envarc:mcf.dal")
(if (Exists "envarc:mcf.startup")
(run "delete <>nil: envarc:mcf.startup")
(if (Exists "envarc:mcf.protect")
(run "delete <>nil: envarc:mcf.protect")
(if (Exists "rexx:mcf_sfprotect.amirx")
(run "delete <>nil: rexx:mcf_sfprotect.amirx")
(if (Exists "rexx:mcf__help.amirx")
(run "delete <>nil: rexx:mcf__help.amirx")
(if (Exists "rexx:mcf__status.amirx")
(run "delete <>nil: rexx:mcf__status.amirx")
(complete 17)
(set player1
(askfile (prompt #config-player1)
(help #player-help1)
(default "C:Play16")
(set player2
(askfile (prompt #config-player2)
(help #player-help2)
(default "SYS:Utilities/Say")
(set sounds
(askdir (prompt #config-sounds)
(help #sounds-help)
(default "Ram:")
(set dccdir
(askdir (prompt #config-dccdir)
(help #sounds-dccdir)
(default "Ram:")
(complete 21)
(set o-ajoin
(askbool (prompt #config-o-ajoin)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(set o-asend
(askbool (prompt #config-o-asend)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(set o-dccget
(askbool (prompt #config-o-dccget)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(complete 24)
(set o-fserv
(askbool (prompt #config-o-fserv)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(complete 28)
(set o-greets
(askchoice (prompt #config-o-greets)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "C" "N" "P" "Y")
(default 1)
(complete 30)
(set o-ops
(askbool (prompt #config-o-ops)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(complete 33)
(set o-rcmds
(askbool (prompt #config-o-rcmds)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(complete 38)
(set o-sounds
(askbool (prompt #config-o-sounds)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(complete 40)
(set o-Psound
(askbool (prompt #config-o-psound)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(complete 43)
(set nosounds-f
(askchoice (prompt #config-o-nosounds)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9")
(default 2)
(complete 45)
(set o-speak
(askbool (prompt #config-o-speech)
(help #opts-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 0)
(set ajoin-f "N")
(set asend-f "N")
(set dccget-f "N")
(set fserv-f "N")
(set greets-f "N")
(set ops-f "N")
(set rcmds-f "N")
(set sounds-f "N")
(set psound-f "N")
(set speak-f "N")
(if (= o-ajoin 1)
(set ajoin-f "Y")
(if (= o-asend 1)
(set asend-f "Y")
(if (= o-dccget 1)
(set dccget-f "Y")
(if (= o-fserv 1)
(set fserv-f "Y")
(if (= o-greets 0)
(set greets-f "C")
(if (= o-greets 2)
(set greets-f "P")
(if (= o-greets 3)
(set greets-f "Y")
(if (= o-ops 1)
(set ops-f "Y")
(if (= o-rcmds 1)
(set rcmds-f "Y")
(if (= o-sounds 1)
(set sounds-f "Y")
(if (= o-psound 1)
(set psound-f "Y")
(if (= o-speak 1)
(set speak-f "Y")
(run "echo >MCF:MCF.StartUp $VER: MCF.StartUp 4.13 (26.12.96)")
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SPEAKPLAYER " player2)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SOUNDPLAYER " player1)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SOUNDDIR " sounds)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp DCCDIR " dccdir)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp AJOIN " ajoin-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp ASEND " asend-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp DCCGET " dccget-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp FSERV " fserv-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp GREETS " greets-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp OPS " ops-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp RCMDS " rcmds-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SOUNDS " sounds-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp PSOUND " psound-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp NOSOUNDS " nosounds-f)
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SPEAK " speak-f)
(source "ENV")
(dest "ENV:")
(choices "MCF_JOIN.AMIRX")
(set dalrc (askbool (prompt #env-copy-dal)
(help "Do you wish to config DalHelper?")
(choices "YES" "NO")
(if (= dalrc 1)
(run "echo >MCF:MCF.Dal $VER: MCF.Dal 4.13 (26.12.96)")
(complete 45)
(set ncntr (askstring
(prompt "Enter the number of Nicks that you have Registered.")
(help "Enter the number of Nicks you have Registered on Dalnet with Nickserv.")
(default "0")
(complete 48)
(while (> ncntr 0)
(set Dalinfo (askstring
(prompt "Enter Registered Nick and Password.")
(help "Enter you Dalnet Registered Nick, a space and the Nick's Password."
" Remember that the Password is CaSe SeNsItIvE.")
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.Dal " Dalinfo)
(set ncntr (- ncntr 1))
(complete 51)
(set ccntr (askstring
(prompt "Enter the number of Channels that you have Registered.")
(help "Enter the number of Channels you have Registered on Dalnet with Nickserv.")
(default "0")
(complete 53)
(while (> ccntr 0)
(set Dalinfo (askstring
(prompt "Enter Registered Channel and Password.")
(help "Enter you Dalnet Registered Channel, a space and the Channel's Password."
" Remember that the Password is CaSe SeNsItIvE.")
(run "echo >>MCF:MCF.Dal " Dalinfo)
(set ccntr (- ccntr 1))
(complete 56)
(prompt #rexx-copy-text)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Rexx")
(dest @def-dest1)
(pattern "#?")
(complete 70)
(prompt #help-copy-text)
(help @copy-help)
(source "MCF")
(dest @def-dest2)
(choices "MCF.FServ" "MCF.GChans" "MCF.Greets" "MCF.GNicks" "MCF.Ops" "MCF.Pings" "MCF.PNicks" "MCF.Protect")
(source "MCF")
(dest @def-dest2)
(choices "MCF.Cmds" "MCF.Encrypt" "MCF_AU.help" "MCF_AUTO.help" "MCF_DO.help"
"MCF_DU.help" "MCF_FLIST.help" "MCF_FSEND.help" "MCF_HELP.help" "MCF_K.help"
"MCF_KB.help" "MCF_MDO.help" "MCF_MKB.help" "MCF_OP.help" "MCF_OPTS.help"
"MCF_QUIT.help" "MCF_RC.help" "MCF_RU.help" "MCF_STATUS.help" "MCF_USERS.help")
(complete 77)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Do you wish to Install MCF Aliases??")
(help "This will install Aliases that make using MCF easier.")
(choices "YES" "NO")
(default 1))
(message ("Start a copy of AmIRC that has\nAMIRC.1 in the top left corner.\nClick Proceed when ready."))
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS S /Rx CTCP_Sound %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS CS /Rx DalHelper C %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS NS /Rx DalHelper N %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS JS /Rx JSound %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MCF /Rx MCF %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS AU /Rx MCF_Alias %%AU %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS AUTO /Rx MCF_Alias %%AUTO %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS DU /Rx MCF_Alias %%DU %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS OPTS /Rx MCF_Alias %%OPTS'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MQ /Rx MCF_Alias %%QUIT'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS RC /Rx MCF_Alias %%RC'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS RE /Rx MCF_Alias %%RE'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS RU /Rx MCF_Alias %%RU'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MU /Rx MCF_Alias %%USERS'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS X /Rx MCF_Encode %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MDO /Rx MCF_MDO'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MKB /Rx MCF_MKB %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS OK /Rx MCF_OK %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS OKB /Rx MCF_OKB %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS SA /Rx MCF_SAbuser %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS Say /Rx Say %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MSI /Rx MCF_Silence %p'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MUS /Rx MCF_Silence %p -'\"")
(run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS UI /Rx MCF_UI %p'\"")
(complete 80)
(startup "MCF for AmIRC"
"An Assign to MCF: needs to be added to the \"S:User-Startup\" so the MCF: knows where to find the OPs and help files. READ HELP!")
(help "Installs the Assign to MCF: in your S:User-Startup or you must manually add the assign to S:User-Startup.")
(command (cat "Assign MCF: " '"'(getassign "MCF" "a")'"' "\n"))
(complete 84)
(set earc (askbool (prompt #env-copy-text)
(help "Do you wish ENV: files stored in ENVARC:?")
(choices "YES" "NO")
(if (= earc 1)
(source "ENV:")
(dest @def-dest3)
(choices "MCF_JOIN.AMIRX")
(complete 92)
(set docs (askbool (prompt #install-docs)
(help #install-docs-help)
(choices "YES" "NO")
(complete 96)
(if (= docs 1)
(prompt #doc-dir-choose)
(help #doc-dir-choose-help)
(source "")
(choices "MCF4AmIRC.guide" "MCF4AmIRC.guide.info" "MCF4AmIRC.ReadMe" "MCF4AmIRC.ReadMe.info")
(dest @def-dest4)
(complete 100) (message #goodbye #my-address)
(exit (quiet))